AUSFUNK goals are to provide high quality cheer & dance classes to children and adults in a, nurturing, empowering environment. We believe that our gym, and our sport, enriches the life of the student and family and builds community. Our students are encouraged to become technically proficient and at the same time build self esteem, cooperation, leadership skills AND HAVE FUN!
What if we are going to be away from class?
Non Competitive classes
Please text the studio phone so we can monitor attendance 0400156375. It helps our lesson plan and to keep correct attendance records.
Competitive Teams
When registering on a competitive team, you are agreeing to attend all lessons. If commitments are known months ahead then let us know so we can lesson plan, set goals and be prepared! It’s impossible to do team training when the team is not there as a whole consistently. Don’t make it awkward by texting the studio phone asking for time off with short notice. It puts us in a bad position to say no. Work around your season-long commitments.
How do I pay for Classes?
Non Competitive classes
When booking online, you will be charged for 2 classes upfront. Our administration office will then invoice you for the remainder of the term depending on how many weeks in the term.
Competitive Teams
Membership is upfront cost upon enrolment.
All members are required to either pay in lump sum on invoice or register for Patrix upon enrolment.
Paytrix payments can be weekly, fortnightly or monthly.
Do I have to do all competitions?
Competitive Teams
When registering on a competitive team, you are agreeing to attend all competitions associated with the team. All dates are in the Ausfunk information booklet and on the website.
Are there makeup lessons for classes missed?
Non Competitive class
All classes are accounted for in our invoicing – we do not charge for dates we are closed. As we rely on student/coach ratios no makeup classes are available or refundable. Major injuries are taken in consideration and credit is given for when returning.
Competitive teams
When registering on a competitive team, you are agreeing to attend all lessons unless ill or have family emergencies. Videos are posted on group pages and need to be followed up on their own time. No make-up classes are available unless the coach arranges.
Can I try a class to see what it’s like?
Non Competitive class
Some classes have free trials! Unless they are already booked out. Please see Non Competitive page to book your free trial!
Competitive teams
Please contact us to make a time for a trial.
Can I just do tumbling?
Of course! Our tumble program stands on its own and is not a competitive team. There may be some timeslots allocated to competitive teams only but the majority are open to non-members. Check out our Tumble skill levels on the website to find out what level you are or call us to help guide you to the right class.
Can parents watch training?
Non-competitive Classes
We have a parent invasion day in terms 1 and 4 so you can see the skills learnt in class! All other times no one is allowed to watch – there is limited space and kids don’t like other parents watching. We appreciate your understanding in this matter. Videos are often sent out or you can request a video.
Competitive Teams
No parents watching. You will see them at the comps!
How do I do my hair and make-up for competitions?
Video tutorials are available on our Youtube Channel.
Are Spray tans compulsory for competitions?
Competitive teams
Tier 3&4 only requires tans. We have recommendations on what tans to purchase. Giving even cover of the skin helps counteract the harshness of competitive lighting making a team look uniform.
Do I need to attend classes if I am sick or injured?
There is no pressure, deadlines or teams involved that require you to attend class. Therefore use your intuition on attendance when ill. We do not recommend attending when injured but contact us and we can get a plan going forward. Please text the studio phone so we can monitor attendance 0400156375
Competitive teams
Yes. To a certain point, we ask you to attend. Contact us via studio phone so we know the strength of the illness and can reduce the intensity of the session, and rearrange lesson plans/positions so it goes easier for the athlete.
When injured athletes can sit and watch taking in new changes in routines, keeping team spirit as well as athlete mental health. Injuries can be hard on athletes so keeping spirits high is important.
Please text the studio phone so we can monitor attendance 0400156375
What happens if I miss a payment?
Invoices are to be paid when emailed out and before attending class. Failure to do so we will contact you at week 2 and withdraw the enrolment forfeiting the 2 weeks paid up front.
Competitive teams
As invoices are divided up into 4 terms and do not run the full length of the school holidays, it leaves room for us to reschedule your missed payment for the end of the term. GREAT! It will however charge you $4.40 with your next payment. Keep on top of it! Payrix will notify our administration office and we will manually reschedule the missed payment. You will also receive an email – check out what happened with your payment and let us know if we need to change days in the schedule if not working for you!
How do I change my details in the system regarding Personal information or bank account changes?
Change of personal information including emails, numbers, and contacts: Contact us business@ausfunk.com.au
Competitive teams
Parent Portal! You can update your personal information and your payrix/bank account details via your portal. Makes it safe and private. Please see the Ausfunk Parent Portal newsletter on the Ausfunk Members link on the website.
Can I contact Coaches? How do I communicate any questions regarding coaches or classtime /training sessions?
All communication must be done via the studio phone at 0400156375 or email business@ausfunk.com.au. No contact with coaches. This is part of Ausfunk Code of Conduct and is taken seriously. If it’s worth saying or asking, then it’s going to go through the safest channel and be taken seriously for the sake of the athlete, parent and coach. The Ausfunk Director, Hayley is responsible for communication on the phone however the phone is left daily with the head coach or manager of the gym. Daily absentees etc will be dealt with efficiently where required for the running of the daily class. All other enquiries will be attended to by Hayley at the best time for discussion.
Safe Guarding Members Policy
AUSFUNK is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people participating in our sport. We support the rights of children and will act without hesitation to ensure a child safe environment is maintained at all times. We also support the rights and wellbeing of our staff and volunteers and encourage their active participation in building and maintaining a secure environment
for all participants.
It is a legislative requirement of the State Government of QLD to comply with the requirements of the Working With Children (WWC) Card, ensuring all coaches, officials and club administrators who engage in regular child-related work (paid or unpaid), must have a valid Working With Children’s Card. Child related work includes coaching, volunteering and supporting sport related events and clubs, coaching and education tuition where U18’s are present. This includes all club office bearers.
More information about persons that require a WWC Card can be found here.
Categories of people requiring a WWC Card include:
● A coach that regularly coaches anyone under the age of 18
● Officials that regularly officiate at competitions where there are U18’s
● Administrators such as Club committee members that have registered members U18.
There are exemptions that apply to the following categories, where a WWC card is not required:
● Parent exemption – Where the parent ( coach or administrator / committee member) of a registered member who is under 18 years of age is engaged in regular child related work (paid or
unpaid). In this instance, the parent will NOT be eligible to apply for a WWC Check. If the child is no longer involved in the program/event/club, a card must be obtained.
● 5 day Threshold and Defence – adults that simply support in a one off occasion (assist at a competition on the night with no prior planning) do not require a WWC. The adult has 5 days per year where they are able to assist ad hoc, however NOT 5 days in a row.
The WWC Card is a process to support both minors and the coach/ official/ administrator. In the unlikely event of a child safeguarding matter arising, a valid Working With Children Card ensures that
all process have been put in place to support all members of the athletics community.
Applying for a WWC Check is straight forwards and can be done at your local post office. The links below highlight how to apply for a Card in simple straight forwards steps. If you are applying for the first time, please list Athletics West as the organisation you are volunteering though, as this will ensure that the card is linked to the appropriate organisation.
How to apply:
AUSFUNK acknowledges that our staff, members and volunteers provide a valuable contribution to the positive experiences of children involved in our sport. We aim to continue this and to take measures to protect the safety and welfare of children participating in our sport in the following
Identify and Analyse Risk of Harm
AUSFUNK implement a risk management strategy, which includes a review of existing child protection practices, to determine how child-safe and child-friendly the organisation is and to determine what additional strategies are required to minimise and prevent risk of harm to children because of the action of an employee, volunteer or another person.
Codes of Conduct for Adults and Children
Our organisation has codes of conduct that specify standards of conduct and care when dealing and interacting with children, particularly those in the care of our (Club/Centre). The organisation will
also implement a code of conduct to address appropriate behaviour between children.
The code(s) of conduct as displayed on AUSFUNK website display the professional boundaries, ethical behaviour and unacceptable behaviour and can be found here.
Suitable Employees and Volunteers
AUSFUNK will ensure that the organisation takes all reasonable steps to ensure that it engages the most suitable and appropriate people to work with children (in prescribed positions).
This may be achieved using a range of screening measures. Such measures will aim to minimise the likelihood of engaging (or retaining) people who are unsuitable to work with children.
We will ensure that working with children checks/criminal history assessments are conducted for employees and volunteers working with children, where an assessment is required by law. If a
criminal history report is obtained as part of their screening process, the Association will ensure that the criminal history information is dealt with in accordance with relevant state requirements.
Report and Respond Appropriately to Suspected Abuse and Neglect AUSFUNK will ensure that volunteers and employees are able to identify and respond to children at risk of harm through the delivery of regular training specific to Child Protection.
AUSFUNK will make all volunteers and employees aware, through appropriate education, of their responsibilities under respective state laws if they have suspicion on reasonable grounds that a child
has been or is being abused or neglected.
In addition to any legal obligation, if any person feels another person or organisation bound by this policy is acting inappropriately towards a child or is breaching the relevant Code of Conduct that they may make an internal complaint to our Director – business@ausfunk.com.au
Members under the age of 18 must be supervised at all times by a responsible adult. During (Club/Centre) organised events, AUSFUNK will provide a level of supervision adequate and relative to
the members’ age, maturity, capabilities, level of experience, nature of activity and nature of venue.
If a member or non-member finds a member under the age of 18 is unsupervised, they should
assume responsibility for the member’s safety until the parent/guardian or supervisor can be found.
Parents must turn up on time to collect their child for reasons of courtesy and safety. If it appears a member will be left alone at the end of a training session with just one child, the adult supervising
the session / event / program will ask another member to stay until the child is collected. This is to reduce the potential for a one-on-one situation to arise between an adult and a minor.
Parents/guardians are responsible for ensure appropriate transport for their children to and from AUSFUNK activities (e.g., training and events). This may include children driving themselves where
they are legally licenced to do so. Where AUSFUNK makes arrangements for the transportation of children (e.g., for away or overnight trips), a risk assessment that includes ensuring vehicles are adequately insured, the driver has a current and appropriate licence for the vehicle being used and appropriate safety measures are available (e.g., fitted working seatbelts) is to be conducted by the Chairman/ President or active supervisor.
Most people taking images of children at sporting events are doing so for acceptable reasons and are using appropriate methods, for example a parent videoing their child at a sports presentation or a
professional photographer taking photos for a club. However, there are important considerations for sports clubs and associations when acquiring and displaying images of children and young people on
social media, websites, online, in publications or other mediums. Please refer to (Org) Photographing Children Guideline published on the Centre/Club website for further information and reporting an
unlawful incident.
It is not appropriate for AUSFUNK staff 18 years and older to associate personally with athletes, parents or other younger staff members. If the Family agrees personal connection via family ties is appropriate please communicate with Director.
Staff are not to engage through social media with families. If the Family agrees personal connection via family ties is appropriate please communicate with Director
AUSFUNK goals are to provide high quality cheer & dance classes to children and adults in a, nurturing, empowering environment. We believe that our gym, and our sport, enriches the life of the student and family and builds community. Our students are encouraged to become technically proficient and at the same time build self esteem, cooperation, leadership skills AND HAVE FUN!